Is there anything that you dislike or that frustrates you about your diabetes device and/or drug delivery routine?
The device isn’t currently readily available on prescription and there can be a bit of a postcode lottery as to who can get it and who can’t due to the cost of each device – it took me 12 months of letters to MPs etc. to obtain a prescription, yet if I had lived 2 miles down the road, in a different county, I would have got it immediately. Due to this, many people with diabetes such as myself have to pay a high amount both emotionally and physically to get this level of diabetes care. Before mine was on prescription, it cost me £50 per sensor which is supposed to last 2 weeks, however, as I will come on to, sometimes you can get through them a lot quicker so the costs can soon add up dramatically.
As an active person, at both work & socially, it is very easy to knock the device off. Due to my prescription only covering 2 per month, any issues like this that cause me to run out meaning I can suddenly be left with no device to manage my diabetes, or have to pay an unexpected high cost for more (managing diabetes without it is like trying to drive with your eyes shut!!).
Whilst the device is fantastic for real-time monitoring and reporting back to my support team, I can only use either my phone or the Libre machine to scan & not both so there is no back up. I do get frequent ‘unable to scan’ problems, probably twice a day, so there are still some improvements to be made on the reliability.
How has has access to Diabetes Care and the necessary treatments/equipment been for you? What advice would you give to others?
I get excellent support from Burtons Diabetes Centre & my GP with frequent check-ups etc. There is always someone available to give help & the Diabetes Centre are very quick to offer new equipment that they believe will improve my management of diabetes when it becomes available. My main piece of advice would be use / stay in touch with your back up team & GP, be open to trying new things as the technology is changing at a rapid rate. Manage your Diabetes, don’t let it manage you!!