Sustainability is set to play a prominent role in device development throughout 2023 and beyond. This week, Senior Design Engineer & Sustainability Champion, Will Morris discusses using LCA as a tool for sustainable medical device development:
So, what is an LCA?
According to ISO14040, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) addresses the environmental aspects and potential environmental impacts throughout a product’s life cycle; from raw material acquisition, throughout production, use, end-of-life treatment, recycling, and, final disposal.
4. Interpretation
This final phase summarises the results of the LCA and can include recommendations for further decision making relative to the scope and goal of the device/system LCA.
Why do an LCA?
An LCA is a incredibly useful tool to help measure the environmental impact of a device or system. Without conducting an LCA, the true environmental impact is unknown.
An LCA helps inform decision making, whether it be design teams faced with the challenge of designing a more environmentally friendly solution, a procurement team faced with the challenge of purchasing more sustainable devices or, a consumer wishing to reduce their environmental impact.
LCA Criticisms:
A device/system’s environmental impact can appear to be relatively minor however, when you review the scope of the LCA, it may be that certain things have been removed or, the scope of the LCA is limited. An example of two very different LCA scopes are shown below:
Oftentimes it’s incredibly difficult to obtain actual data for most of your inventory therefore, you must rely on industry averages which may or may not be accurate for the particular device/system being studied.
Sustainability can be defined as the triple bottom line of environmental, social and financial factors. When reviewing an LCA, financial factors are rightfully out of scope however, the social implications of a device/system can be quite meaningful and could be justifiable to include into a social LCA.
As a device development consultancy, an LCA is an incredibly valuable assessment tool and one that we strongly recommend to all of our clients and projects. Without data, we’re unable to make informed decisions. So, without an LCA for a device, we’re unable to say “device A is more environmentally friendly than device B”. Without and LCA we’re blind to the magnitude of the environmental impact we’re truly causing.
As previously discussed, LCA’s aren’t perfect and there are limitations to their true efficacy however, there are emerging systems like the Product Environmental Footprint, aiming to help harmonise and standardise the impact assessment method. That being said, Life Cycle Assessment is a tool that we can use today to help build a better and healthier world for tomorrow.
If you would like any further advice or guidance on the effective use of LCA to enhance the sustainability of your new product or medical device development project, we would gladly help – please get in touch.