It was great to return to Paris for Pharmapack 2023; a key annual packaging and drug delivery conference. The HD team had a great couple of days at the conference connecting with clients, suppliers and experts about the latest research and innovation in pharmaceutical packaging & drug delivery. Here’s a brief rundown of our time and key take aways from Pharmapack 2023:

Pharmapack 2023 was a great opportunity to kick start the year by connecting with clients, suppliers and other industry experts. There was a wealth of insight and information shared during the conference particularly surrounding key topics of sustainability, patient centricity, connectivity, high volume drug delivery and the trade-offs between these key areas of focus to create optimal devices. Despite a general industry push towards developing devices that are better for both people and planet, through a range of discussions, it has been interesting to uncover which of these key areas various pharmaceutical companies and suppliers are truly championing with current and future pipelines.

Here are just some key takeaways from drug delivery industry experts during the busy 2 days;


“If healthcare were a country, it would be the 5th largest greenhouse gas emitting country.” – Sanofi


“Pharmaceutical companies don’t understand the value of formative, and even pre-formative studies, they must be done!” – BD & Novartis


“Work with design consultancies rather than in-house design teams because they’ll do a better job and will probably do it two to three times faster than an in-house design team!” – Roche


“Patients value sustainability but not at the detriment of usability.” – Phillips-Medisize

“The entire drug delivery supply chain should be, and is already starting to, only work with vendors that are aligned with PSCI’s sustainability goals in a push to be carbon neutral by 2050.” – Sanofi


“Trade back schemes can be powerful depending on the device and system in question however, looking across all sectors, uptake has been 30% at maximum to date.” – Anthesis Group


“On average, healthcare staff receive 30 minutes of sustainability training per year. This includes instructions for the disposal of all elements of their work from devices to toilet paper – this is not adequate.” – Sanofi


Witnessing how these key themes develop, combine and come into fruition in 2023 and beyond to influence packaging and drug delivery is an exciting prospect – one that we look forward to playing a pioneering part of in projects here at Haughton Design.


Pharmapack 2023 was filled with high quality speakers, exhibitors, and workshops – we’re already looking forward to returning in 2024! If you weren’t able to attend the conference this year, we’d love to catch up and discuss how our design team could help responsibly accelerate your device development projects – please get in touch.

Amber Davies - Human Factors Design Engineer & Marketing Manager at Haughton Design Amber Davies 8 February 2023


Get in Touch with Amber Davies

Human Factors Design Engineer & Marketing Manager

Amber graduated from Cardiff Metropolitan University with a degree in Product Design. She has a particular interest in the medical field stemming from her personal experience of using a medical device. She pairs her design background with her personal experiences to apply empathy and develop improved user experiences. Amber also combines this understanding to liaise with customers and create digital content at HD.

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